A Quiet Disruption | Rothko Chapel

Rothko hero

Crafting a voice for Houston’s iconic quiet space

As a meditative escape from the world’s incessant din, this silent sanctuary speaks for itself. And others.

Beautifully conceived for muting external noise and connecting with the inner self, the Rothko Chapel offers an experience unique to each visitor. And each visit.

Project details


The Rothko Chapel is for everyone, and yet unique to each individual. Its stillness is moving and its silence speaks volumes, captivating the seeker in all of us with the promise of a deeply personal experience.


Recast Rothko as a place to reflect on and reconcile the paradoxes that exist in one's life. Touchpoints both modern and traditional invite visitors to escape from constant digital connection and into the mysteries we hold inside ourselves.


Our work helped the organization better understand the many different and evolving ways people interact with the Chapel. The result was a major re-evaluation of their site plan, a project recently completed and open to the public.

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