Real members. Real stories. | Blue Cross of Idaho

Putting your customers front and center

How does a health plan know what people care about? Just listen.

In these short, documentary-style stories for Blue Cross of Idaho, we meet the ordinary families who serve as the extraordinary inspiration behind their health plan’s commitment to putting people first.

Project details


Healthcare has a lot to learn from real people. One of the things you pick up on: When people have a noteworthy experience with their health insurance, it isn’t always a positive one. Often, what’s far more meaningful is the story behind the call to customer service, something you won’t ever see in the claims data. When you take the time to truly see the people you serve—what they care about, what they live for—you start to find out how you can serve them better.


Any insurance company can produce a customer testimonial. These aren’t that. These are stories from real people, real Idahoans who just so happen to be Blue Cross of Idaho members. Because when you believe people matter most—that they are reason behind everything you do as a company—your members are always the main characters. True story.

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